Thursday, January 14, 2010

Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo

yes, this is actually the title of a song. A good one. I like it, at least :b

Okay, so tonight I'm not going to be posting the full shebang as usual. It's late and I've got homework to do, so I'll be trying to update completely tomorrow morning. Homework rules over blog. Quick theme list before I go to bed, so I don't forget anything tomorrow:

- 1st try of Makudonarudo Hanbaagaa, also known as McDonald's
- Setsubun Festival coming up
- Japanese class
- Japanese assignment for this weekend and semester = AWESOME yet FRIGHTENING
- Japan Today
- Talking with Heather
- Clubs
- Beep beep beep card (Suica)
- Cultural learning (not Japanese for once xD)
- Jusco and the Quest for Instant Dashi (kinda like soup stock, used in about everything ever)
- Tuna, Kyupi, and Rice stuff that I'm going to try to put on onigiri?
- Kitchen woes and emergency bento
- Rice cookers
- The Importance of Being Civil when Living in Close Quarters
- Tomorrow's party?
- Shelving
- Hiragana books

Yeah, that's aaaaaaall of what today's episode needs to include, so you see why I can't stay up to type all that out xD. I'll be up early tomorrow for it, evening for the USA. See you at the next time!

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